
We’ve all heard it takes a village.

You deserve a perinatal nutrition and fitness specialist in yours.

If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant I have a gift for you.

Be Well With Beth Pregnancy

Enjoy this free prenatal fitness and nutrition guide.

Hey, it’s Beth

I’ve been a dietitian for a long time. And a mom since 2018.

Before I got pregnant, I had a little one page handout that I sent to all of my pregnant clients and friends. I thought I was being so helpful, giving them everything they needed to know.

It wasn’t until 2018 when I became that classically anxious first time preggo that I realized, I couldn’t be satisfied by a dinky little one page handout. And neither should you.

This was my first of many ah ha moments

I don’t know how I didn’t recognize sooner that there was a problem in my educational upbringing.

In graduate school I studied prenatal nutrition for like 5 total hours (that’s it!). And while working alongside exercise physiologists (with masters degrees!!) I discovered that they’d had even less prenatal fitness education.

I couldn't seem to find anybody out there who really specialized in working with pregnancy.

Nothing has opened my eyes quite like motherhood. Now that I know better - I want you to have better.

I’ve done the research, I’ve lived through it twice and I’ve helped hundreds of people be their healthiest during pregnancy and beyond. And I’d love to help you.

Focusing on food & fitness when you are pregnant will help you build more than just a healthy baby.

It’s the foundation that will help you thrive in parenthood.

Get the support that works for you

  • Be Well With Beth Nutrition

    Nutrition Counseling

    Create personalized healthy food habits to feel empowered in your eating choices.

    Insurance accepted.

    Scroll down to read about how prenatal nutrition counseling is different.

  • Be Well With Beth Fitness

    Virtual Fitness

    Virtual workouts and fitness plans tailored to meet your needs.

  • Free Prenatal Wellness Guide

    Get started with this mini guide where you can learn about

    Managing your symptoms

    Snack ideas, hydration tips and more

    Prenatal fitness facts with links

  • Comprehensive Prenatal Wellness Guide

    Prenatal Wellness Guide

    A guide for all your prenatal needs, covering everything from fitness and nutrition during pregnancy to gestational diabetes to third trimester prep.

  • Be Well With Beth Pregnancy

    Comprehensive Prenatal & Postpartum Wellness Guide

    Go at your own pace.

    Use our app to get advice about eating well (both you and baby!), moving smartly, and feeling your best during pregnancy and early postpartum.

Nutrition counseling while pregnant can look like menu planning for your current pregnancy needs — and it can also look like planning for how to nourish yourself after baby arrives.

What to expect in nutrition counseling

Be Well With Beth pregnancy counseling

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

Initial session

We'll plan for your healthy pregnancy.

  • Your first session can happen pre-conception or post-conception, really any time you make it here is a great time to start 👌

  • If your intake happens during weeks 8-12, the first thing we'll do is give you permission to be nauseous and eat alllll the carbs

  • At this session we'll review your full health, diet and exercise history. I will help you set a few priority goals and we will also make a bigger picture plan for your pregnancy and beyond.

Oh and if your intake happens during weeks 8-12, the first thing we'll do is give you permission to be nauseous and eat alllll the carbs.

Follow up sessions

  • This varies by person. We'll schedule nutrition sessions as needed.

  • Check in on how you are feeling

    Review results of blood glucose tolerance test and other labs.

    We’ll set new goals as needed.

  • Planning for a healthy 4th trimester.

    This might look like pre-filling an instacart so you can click ‘order’ on your way home from the hospital.

    It might look like virtually walking through you house and strategically planning out snack and water stations alongside diaper and feeding stations.

    Or perhaps we will come up with plans to fill our freezer or your pantry with nourishing foods for postpartum.

    You might be tempted to skip out on this planning session. Trust me, don’t.

  • We'll meet (virtually!) to support you as you figure out how to take care of a new baby AND yourself.

    (psst, this is my favorite session. I get to see you and your beautiful new baby and share my love and support while you go through a really difficult transition).

No matter where you are in your pregnancy or parenthood journey, it’s always a good time to get support.

See what people are saying

  • Kate

    Preparing for the birth of my second child, I was determined not to lose my health and wellness as a priority. I can now take small healthy steps as I juggle 2 kids and heading back to work. It feels good taking better care of myself so I have more energy for my growing family. Thank you Beth!

  • Sarah

    So helpful. Great coaching, sends me emails when she see's something that pertainas to conversations we've had. GREAT at what she does!!

  • Anon

    She helped me turn my gestational diabetes around and I had a healthy baby girl.

Get with the program

From Pregnancy to Parenthood, we are here to help.

Get access to your comprehensive prenatal wellness guide right away.

Purchase each program individually for $95 per program (snag your prenatal guide here) or bundle and save.

For just $189 you’ll get all three programs. Pregnancy, Postpartum and After the 4th Trimester. Get your full prenatal and postpartum wellness bundle here.