Exercising with a Toddler

If you have young kids and you can't seem to fit in exercise like you used to... there's a reason!

You have less time. 

Far, far less time.

And I have an idea for you.

Fit in exercise WITH your kid:

Try out the movements in this video ⬆️. And if you and the kids enjoy them, there are plenty more in my online group course created just for you.

But know this:

  • You may not get in an equal number of reps. And that's ok!

  • You may have to split up your movements between your own body weight and theirs. They'll probably be in and out of your workout.

  • Anything goes as long as you are moving!

Ok, now go try it out!


Intermittent Exercise on your Steps


Stretching & Yoga for Gas Release